Composta Organic Wormfarm/Herb pot


 The Composta turns your kitchen scraps into fertilizer,that feeds the plants growing within the pot.

Also every time you water the Composta the liquid runoff is a fantastic fertilizer that can be shared on other plants approx 6-8ltr per week.

The Composta has been designed to be clean and easy to sit back and watch your herbs thrive.,

The Composta Kit comprises of ;

*Food grade BPA Free,UV resistant Polypropylene

*Main Pot bowl

*Centre Canister with lid

*3 fully recycled legs

*Instruction sheet

The Composta is manufactured with zero waste, where every waste section or inferior unit is reground and used to create more complete Compostas. During the manufacturing process a 30kw Solar system is used to offset electricity needs from the grid.